Friday, September 14, 2007

Sorry Sorry I SUCK at This

So I haven't been blogging as I'm supposed to. My status as online writer is threatened, my beloved online ad agency has demoted me too! Oh the sorrow!

Anyway, I must apologize to M for not returning her e-mail promptly as I'm supposed to. I'm assuming she's back in England safely, although her heart may be a little sad due to leaving her fiancee and ::cough:: a sex object. LOL. I'm just going to leave the details out for your sake, M. :)

Nowadays, I've been preoccupied. I will start a new job in October, quite nervous but excited and I've been just amused with Chris. He's becoming more and more adult-like. The other night, he put Elmo to sleep. Yes. He kissed Elmo, talk to it, then cuddle then proceeded to wrap a blanket on Elmo. Then Chris lay down next to him, as I started to speak, suddenly he SHUSHED me.

Yes. He wouldn't let me talk! He put his tiny index finger in front of his mouth. "Shhhhhh." Both Michael and I tried our hardest not to laugh. It's just the cutest thing. Then when Chris thought Elmo was asleep, he climbed off the bed and went to play.

Just like what I do to him when I'm trying to get him to sleep. He's getting better mimicking. Another thing I notice, he's getting taller and taller, he towers over a 3-yrs-old and he almost reaches the height of a 4 yrs-old boy.

And, for a 2 years-old, he's pretty good with his letters and numbers. He remembers them all, and can count up to 50. I'm so proud for drilling those lessons into his tiny head! My mom thinks Chris may be a genius, I told her "Not possible. Sorry about that." Michael thinks that Chris should play soccer like Beckham or enter the NFL later on in life. He keeps saying that Chris is a "specimen." Hmmm...

Oh we'll see. Que sera sera, whatever will be will be!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back hun. :D Yes you do suck :P

Am back in the UK :( No more eye candy, I have news on that but not for public reading ;)

I hope the new job goes well, how exciting. Will Chris go to a nursery?

Freya just started school last week :bawl: I remember people taking bets on when she would be born now shes at school :O Where did the time go?
